"We are those who, by a look, turn the dust on the path into gold."

Shah Nimatullah Wali. Persian Poet, s. XIV.

Establishing a classificatory system for these geometric objects, each with their own characteristics and peculiarities, turns out complicated but especially doesn´t do them justice. Our vision of the world is made up by the manner in which we contemplate it. The objective knowledge that we have of the world, is molded by the multiplicity of forms, structures and levels that constitute our subjectivity. The world speaks a symbolic language. A language that is loaded with signs and symbols that have a specific purpose, and that communicate with the subconscious even though they go unseen most of the time.

Fractalina groups the images under three names: Azoth, Espagiria and Citrinitas.

These terms, belonging to the world of Alchemy, define, with their way of see the cosmos, indissoluble mode between the material and spiritual, the character of the images in Fractalina. Just as transformation of an element or material into something different is possible under suitable conditions, it is also possible to obtain, from two element with different properties, a third one. On these foundations, an element creation and research process is launched, transmuting them from their raw natural state to their purest form. Consequently, objects that reflect work with metals and with fire, a basic element in the transformation and evolution of forms appear. They are followed by others that reveal the germ of the structures of the vegetal realm, and continue the forms that emerge from the processes of the subjective world. A complete cycle in the experimentation of the ancestral unconscious.



The Beginning and End of all things.

Light, Fire and Metals




The Present of Nature

Organic Kingdom, Plants and Cosmos.




The Higher Perception of Reality.

Intuition, Unconscious and Projections.



"Order doesn't come by itself."

 Benoit Mandelbrot

The Mandelbrot Set is the best known fractal of all those existing in the universe of objects that Fractal Geometry offers us, it is "The Object". Also called "the footprint of God", it is considered "the most complex object in mathematics".  Besides being the archetype of this new mathematical tool, it serves as a guide and a classification table to distinguish between other fractal objects; it contains all the information about the geometric properties of each of the Julia Sets.

Fractalina represents the Mandelbrot Set in a special and unique way. The graphical representation of the iteration of quasi-infinite complex functions results in this extraordinary connected object, this impressive multidimensional "being"... an incomparable mathematical object that reveals through extraordinary geometries, an interior and curiously familiar shapes with endless details captured in different regions of the Object... a paradise for the imagination and a true treasure.

We do not know if these universal patterns, these exquisite geometries, have some mystical connection, or can answer for some "ethical truth". For Fractalina the world is an extraordinary place brimming with beauty and mystery, where chance and predetermination combine in an infinite network of inter-dependent processes, a place where everything is connected and full of energy, and where all our actions have their correspondence.



The map is the Treasure.



"It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover."

Henri Poincaré

The first experience we have of the cosmos happens through the imagination. Our ability to imagine, triggers powerful responses in the brain that activate areas related to sensory perception and the capacity for abstraction. It is this ability to create images or scenarios on a mental level that allows us to explore intangible ideas and concepts. In addition, more than half of the cerebral cortex is dedicated to the processing of visual information, with sight being the sense most akin to imagination. On the other hand, the senses and the grasp of the world that surrounds us, with their corresponding mental activity, are not limited to the body, the brain, or the nerve endings, we do not know how far they go, but they go beyond our conscious perception. There is another way to perceive and comprehend, and that is through intuition.

The brain and the mind are processes, functions in transformation with plasticity, changing and evolving. Besides the fact that mental and brain functions feedback each other, we also know that mental function acts on matter, that mental processes modify the brain, and that brain functioning can be altered through meditation and other specific consciousness modification practices and techniques. Humans have the ability to recognize things we don't know, things that have not been seen before. And we also have the power to give something the possibility of existing just by thinking about it, just as it is possible to imagine the impossible... but also, with intuition we have the power of instantaneous understanding; this vision goes beyond recognizing, perceiving and imagining. This unpredictable knowledge does not need logic or reason to be evident and true.

Science tells us that everything is the result of chance, that the origin of life is by chance, and that the human being is only the product of random processes originated in a fantastic race from the appearance of an amoeba until today. It also tells us, that the universe is in a constant progress towards destruction; that everything tends towards chaos, imbalance, disorder and waste of energy. But life tends to equilibrium, to organization, to accumulate and transform energy, to order, to abundance, to exchange, to self-regulation, to a higher level of complexity, to accumulation of information, to self-recycling, to beauty, to fullness. That is the tendency of Nature.

Perhaps the evolution of the human being only takes place in his consciousness and in his spirit; and only by his intention and will to do, to learn, to create, to advance, to improve, to give, to share and to love, as well as by the recognition of his own divinity.



The Journey to the Search for the Center.



"After living and dreaming, there is the most important thing: waking up."

Antonio Machado

Henri Poincaré called them "Gallery of Monsters", and they were the results of the first objects constructed with a non-ecluidic geometry. Strange geometric figures that began to appear at the end of the 19th century and that showed the limitations of classical mathematical analysis: such as the Peano Curve and the Hilbert Curve (continuous curves without intersections that covered the entire plane), the Sierspinski Carpet (a curve that fills a square with area 0) or the Koch Snow Kopo (an infinite curve without tangents enclosed in a finite surface). In addition to their appearance, these figures and objects presented unique and disturbing properties and were seen by the mathematical and scientific community as bizarre and artificial objects, pathological monsters; mathematical structures of great complexity but far from reality.

For Plato there are two different levels of reality according to his Theory of Ideas, which had its origin and foundation in mathematics. On one side the sensible and visible world, the world of matter, of things and entities that are perceived with the senses, but which do not reflect reality and do not allow us to know it, since they show a world full of imperfect objects and subject to perpetual change; it is the world of shadows, dominated by appearances.

And on the other side is the intelligible world, the world of ideas; immaterial, an abstract world beyond time and space, and which can only be reached through the path of knowledge, reason and intelligence. For Plato, these ideas were not mere mental concepts, but realities that transcend man, since the things that manifest themselves in the material world have their causes in the immaterial world, nothing exists in the sensible world without a causal idea.

To this world of Plato's ideas belong these mathematical structures that we present; immutable multi-dimensional entities, highly organized and hierarchical, intelligible and eternal, independent and separate from natural beings. Real monsters from the world of ideas that have their correspondence in this physical plane and that could perfectly represent all that is bad, ugly and false.



Realities of the World of Ideas.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

The human being is part of a whole together with nature. We find ourselves as individuals, within a mega-system of fractal characteristics, where we ourselves are from the deepest part determined and configured by a fractal order. In this way, we are immersed in a multiverse of systems which in turn shape and structure the development and dynamics of other systems and cycles.

In all these dynamic systems in which we are immersed, complex non-linear systems, there is a constant back and forth between stability and disorder, a "dynamic equilibrium" that uses its own instability to generate new forms of order. Small changes in the external environment of a system can lead internally to different behaviors, opening the possibility of a flow of information, matter and energy between the system and the external world. These minimal changes cause the system to evolve randomly until it reaches a bifurcation point, which goes beyond the calculation of probabilities and where the system becomes unpredictable.

At this point of bifurcation, a new process of progressive ordering can take place that produces a complete self-organization of the system in a dynamic that feedbacks and self-constitutes itself, thus giving rise to unconstrained structures. This happens by means of frequency matching, which oscillates until synchrony is reached simultaneously, through resonances by dynamic loops that are transmitted to the whole system.

This coincidence of events that develop in a coordinated manner in the same temporal period, manifests itself in all kinds of phenomena in the macrocosm and microcosm, in the natural and artificial of our world; Science always believed in a chaotic Nature, but now we know how Chaos spontaneously self-organizes through this synchronization of frequencies, these resonances of order emerging from the Creation. We now know that Order is inevitable.



Time is Now.



Science, Art and Philosophy.

The PI Number, the Golden Ratio, Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry: beyond the essence of FRACTALINA.


Backlit LED Frames and Boxes

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